How Cringey Is This 1986 Paul McCartney Video?

By M@ Last edited 52 months ago
How Cringey Is This 1986 Paul McCartney Video?

Roll up for the Mystery Tour, as Paul McCartney goes on a very 1980s adventure across the London Underground.

His 1986 single 'Press' was shot entirely on the network. It's not our place to critique McCartney's compositions. Let's just say that it's not as good as his previous, frog-themed single.

Still, the video is vital viewing for tube aficionados. The Underground back then was just like today, with boredom, crowds and manspreading aplenty, only everybody wore white instead of black.

Paul McCartney's clothing is Man From Del Monte white, and all kinds of casual. "Hey," he seems to be saying, "you'd think that being super-famous and unbelievably rich would make me a vain, unapproachable man. But, no. Here I am breezing down an escalator. Chilled. One hand in pocket, the other in my hair. Do you like my hair?"

It is, after all, one of the most luxuriant mullets of the 1980s. A high barnet indeed for a man already into his forties. The singer's locks susurrate in the platform breeze.

The hirsute balladeer does a lot of pointing underground. A LOT of pointing. Yet his other paw remains stubbornly groinal.

You only see him withdraw the second hand to give a whoop of delight.

Or to sign someone's nipple.

Like any pop star, the Wings frontman finds friends wherever he travels.

But also enemies.

Macca's demented journey takes him from South Kensington to Oxford Circus via Swiss Cottage, then on to Bond Street, back to Swiss Cottage, over to Green Park, then Leicester Square and Piccadilly Circus, before finishing, unexpectedly, at Tooting Bec. [Edit: we've been told that this is Swiss Cottage again. The 'TO...' in the roundel is 'TO EXIT'.]

Here, he relaxes his pointing finger just long enough to form a parting wave.

"And in the end... the route you take is equal to the route you fake."

Last Updated 24 June 2019

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